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Recycling Tips for Hotels

Running a hotel is unlike any other business. Due to the diversity of the functions, the immediacy of good service and the 24-hour operations, successfully separating waste and correctly recycling can be difficult. This does not mean, however, that it cannot be done. By providing the right incentives for members of staff and creating a waste reduction program, you can easily transform your hotel into an eco-friendly haven.

There are many benefits to recycling your hotel waste. By recycling, you can lower your waste management costs, save space and reduce clutter, improve your environmental credentials and reduce your impact on the environment. Just follow our top tips below to get started.

Find a suitable recycling waste contractor

It is important to find a recycling waste contractor that can meet your needs as a business. When searching for the ideal recycling waste contractor, consider what materials you need to recycle and the amount of waste that you will be producing. Is the service suitable for the size of your business? You should also consider whether you need the materials collected or if you can transport them to the waste facility yourself. Your chosen recycling waste contractor should be able to meet all of your needs as a business.

Set up a recycling scheme

Setting up a recycling program in your hotel is important to make sure that all waste is correctly disposed of. Follow these steps below:


●    Hold a recycling talk with your employees to get them clued up on the benefits of recycling and why you, as a business, are taking the extra steps to recycle. The aim is to inspire members of staff. Keep them informed about the best recycling procedures by regularly issuing memos.


●    When you employ a new member of staff, give them a recycling information pack, guiding them on your environmental views as a company and information on your waste processing routines.


●    Take a walk through your hotel and make a note of the type of waste that is discarded in each area. For example, in food service areas plastic containers, cans, glass, cardboard and other food packaging materials will be discarded. In public areas newspapers, bottles, cans and magazines may be discarded. In administrative areas paper, printer toner cartridges and cardboard may be discarded. From this, you can determine the type of containers needed.


●    Place recycling bins in guest rooms to encourage your guests to discard of their waste responsibly.


●    Ensure that all bins are clearly marked for staff and guests to use. In public areas, try to place bins that have specialised openings, such as a slot for newspapers or a hole for bottles. Place bins next to lifts and exits.


●    Avoid disposable products where possible. Glass cups, ceramic dishes and cloth napkins can be washed up and reused, replacing disposable versions. Place reusable and washable mugs in rooms instead of plastic cups, and try to buy guest amenities in bulk to save on that extra packaging.


Devon Contract Waste (DCW) specialises in the collection, processing, recycling and disposal of commercial waste. If you are looking for a reliable company to collect and recycle your commercial waste in Exeter, look no further than us. We can deal with the disposal of waste for businesses of all sizes – and, with our Zero to Landfill policy, you can rest assured that your commercial waste will be disposed of in the most environmentally way possible.

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