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Office Renovations: Why It’s Preferable To Hire a Mixed Waste Removal Company

Transforming your office is an exciting time for you and your employees. Whether you are deciding on expanding your office space or you are creating a cool new office kitchen, an office fit out is a good way to improve your employee’s efficiency, as working in a nice aesthetic environment will improve productivity. However, no matter how exciting this will be for your business, it can cause plenty of disruption. From the noises of knocking down walls to high amounts of dust and rubble, it is likely that you will produce a variety of construction waste that you may not know how to dispose of correctly.

If this sounds like you, then why not hire a mixed waste removal company to help you with your office fit out? ‘Mixed waste’ refers to any combination of waste types such as plastics, metals, glass and biodegradable waste. A reputable company can help you implement an effective waste management system before the renovations take place, meaning that you won’t over order on materials and you can save money when disposing of the waste. Plus, it will also mean that less waste will end up in landfill, which can only be a positive step towards making your business more environmentally friendly. This effective waste management system can also transcend until after the office renovations have taken place, so you can continue to reduce your businesses detrimental environmental impact.

This blog post will explicitly detail the reasons as to why you should hire a mixed waste removal company for your business and how doing so can benefit you in the long run.


Can provide a variety of skip sizes, from 6-yard skip hire to 40 cubic yard hook lift container.

A mixed waste removal company will offer a variety of different containers to help you organise your waste, the most common and recognisable of these are skips. Skips are an effective waste management tool simply because they are sturdy and large enough to hold a large range and amount of materials.

It is no secret that your office renovation will produce a large amount of rubble, as well as plastic and paper. However, you may only be making small and less drastic changes to the office, which will mean that less waste is produced. Therefore, you need to affiliate yourselves with the different skip sizes available and which one that you need. Below, we have put together a list of different skip sizes and how they could benefit your office fit out.


Six Cubic Yard Small Builder Skip – This is the standard size of most skips that you will see on construction sites. This is ideal for timber, green waste, metal, glass or rubble.


Eight Cubic Yard Large Builder Skip – This skip is perfect for keeping waste secure and to avoid any fly tipping. These skips can contain all of the above, as well as confidential data and electrical waste.


12 Cubic Yard Maxi Skip – This skip can hold any waste except rubble.


20 Cubic Yard Chain/Hook Lift Container – This chain lift skip is ideal for bulky items and materials such as wood, furniture and metal. If you are transforming the whole of the office, it is likely that you will need one of these to dispose of old desks and sofas that you haven’t been able to sell on.


40 Cubic Yard Hook Lift Container – This is one of the largest skips available and can suit a wide variety of waste.


Choosing the right skip, or hiring multiple skips, can help you organise the waste that you produce. Why not sort recyclables from non-recyclables to save time and money when your waste is collected. Furthermore, it is perfect for clearing waste away from the site so the office renovations can be performed quickly and efficiently.


Helps streamline your plastic recycling

We are all aware of the detrimental effects that plastic has on the environment. From using depleting resources of fossil fuels in its production, taking years to degrade, and releasing harmful chemicals when it decomposes, we can see why there are many plastic free initiatives and zero plastic movements taking place across the UK.

Your business may already generate tonnes and tonnes of plastic waste per year and it is likely that this will increase from the office renovation project. Whether that is plastic packaging from furniture pieces or simply plastic water bottles, you need to make sure that you have an effective plastic recycling system in place so that you don’t further impact the environment. Having a mixed waste removal company is the best step you can take to streamlining your plastic recycling.

From providing plastic-only bins and industrial balers to sorting out your rubbish for you, mixed waste removal services will do the nitty-gritty so that you don’t have to. This means that you can solely focus your time on the office renovation as well as your business as a whole.

Furthermore, this may inspire you to reduce your business waste. Though some plastic waste may be inevitable, there are a variety of ways that you can reduce your single-use plastic usage. From banning plastic water bottles, clingfilm and disposable cutlery to subsidising metal food containers, this will certainly promote a positive environmentally friendly ethos for your business as well as saving you money on landfill tax.


Can provide a variety of other containers

Another perk of hiring a mixed waste removal company is that they can provide a variety of containers to help you sort your waste. These include large recycling sacks, kitchen caddy bins and up to 10 cubic yard bins. Telling your mixed waste removal service your needs will help them find the perfect bins for your office renovation project. Furthermore, these bins will most likely be available to hire which can reduce expenditure.

Will help transform your office quickly and efficiently

Perhaps the main reason why you should hire a mixed waste removal company to assist you with your office renovation is simply because it will help transform your office both quickly and efficiently – no one wants to be doing the clean up of rubble, stone and general mess that will culminate after a renovation project. Having a mixed waste removal service will eliminate this problem for you.

Furthermore, managing your waste before, during and after the project will help clear the workspace, meaning that your decorators, electricians and plumbers can easily access and perform their tasks around the building. A mixed waste removal service will also get rid of the waste that you have accumulated, saving you fuel costs to transport the waste to a landfill or recycling centre.


Can dispose of your electrical waste 

You may be having a dramatic office renovation rather than just a small tweak, and if this is the case, you may also be updating your electricals. Whether that is getting new computers to work on or a brand new toaster for the office kitchen, you will want to find a reputable company that can dispose of your old electrical items quickly and safely. If this is the case, a mixed waste removal company is the perfect answer. From refrigerators to hard drives, the waste will need to be disposed of according to the latest WEEE regulations, which is why hiring a company that is experienced in this will be extremely helpful.

If you don’t dispose of your electronic waste correctly, this can have detrimental effects on the environment. Many electrical products contain toxic chemicals like lead, zinc, nickel, barium, and chromium which, when leaked into the environment, can affect the human function of kidneys and central nervous systems. Furthermore, these leaking chemicals can cause degradation of local water systems, harming aquatic life. Therefore, it is imperative that you find a company that can assist you in the disposal of your waste effectively.


Devon Contract Waste: Commercial Waste Disposal and Recycling Specialists in the South West

Here at Devon Contract Waste, we specialise in providing an effective environmentally friendly waste management solution for businesses across the South West. From Cornwall to Somerset, Devon Contract Waste can help supply containers as well as educating businesses on organising their waste types.

Our expert team at Devon Contract Waste proudly operates a Zero to Landfill objective, ensuring that all waste is recycled and none ends up further damaging our precious planet. Furthermore, it creates more jobs in the manufacturing industries, helping to create a sustainable business community.

We offer a variety of different equipment that your business can utilise in helping to streamline its waste management systems, from baling to skips, contact us today to find out more.

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