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DCW kick-starts goat breeding programme and creates employment opportunities in Uganda

As a growing waste management and recycling firm, we are in a fortunate position to support several charitable causes, both in the UK and abroad. One of those charities is Volunteers Heart for Africa (VHFA).

Based in Uganda, VHFA is a non-governmental organisation committed to fighting hunger, lack of education and medical care among children and fighting illiteracy in adults. The volunteers do a fantastic job in helping orphans, children in poverty and those infected by HIV/AIDS enjoy a decent standard of living. They also teach individuals basic skills, helping communities develop.

Boar Goat Breeding Programme

Since 2016, DCW has regularly donated vital funds to VHFA. Most recently, we have kick-started a Boar goat breeding programme in Jinja City by donating towards the purchase of three acres of land where VHFA will set up a model goat farm. The overall objective for this project is to establish a Boar goat breeding and training centre in Jinja City to improve the quality and quantity of goats reared and produced from this district.

DCW bought the first four Boar goats for the farm and helped to build the herd’s shelter. This breed originates in South Africa and are a brilliant source of meat thanks to their rapid weight gain, helping VHFA achieve their goal of improving the standards of living amongst so many children and adults in poverty. Once the centre is established, VHFA plan to launch a ‘send a goat’ programme which will see goats being donated to single mothers, the elderly and disadvantaged.

Creating employment opportunities

Part of the land is also being used to grow crops which feed the children, elderly people, and staff members. VHFA is currently supporting 28 children, 13 elderly people and a never-ending number of widows who visit on a daily basis. With this in mind, the food generated from crops isn’t enough, so DCW provides regular financial support to assist. These funds also enable the VHFA to employ five staff members with this number set to increase, creating employment opportunities in Uganda.

We’d like to say a big thank you to our customers and partners who continue to support DCW, enabling us to grow year on year. Without you, supporting charities would be difficult. By using our Zero to Landfill waste management and recycling service, you are not only helping to save the planet, but you are also helping to improve some of the world’s most vulnerable and poverty-stricken countries.

Click here to find out more about DCW’s charity work.

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